From 15th to 18th September
INRiM meets users and partners to discuss about quantum micro and nanotechnologies
Sapienza University of Roma, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Exhibition Area

From Tuesday 15th to Friday 18th September 2020 INRiM is present within the NanoInnovation 2020 Conference exhibition area.

NanoInnovation, organized by the Italian Association for the Industrial Research (Airi) and NanoItaly Association, is the national meeting place for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved in the development of nanotechnologies and their integration with other key enabling technologies (KETs), in all application fields. The event is designed to link together researchers, technologists, managers, entrepreneurs, professionals and business operators, young researchers, PhDs and students, media and the public for share their experiences, opinions and expectations about nanotechnologies for future innovations.

In this scenario, INRiM fits in with two of its realities that well suited to the purpose of the Conference: the QR and PiQuET labs. In particular, PiQuET takes this great opportunity to present itself to the Conference audience as a new cutting-edge research infrastructure that brings together knowledge and resources of the major players currently occupying the Piedmontese scene in the field of quantum, micro and nano technologies.

With this occasion, after its recent entry, PiQuET can meet and plan challenging activities with its new partners of theĀ It-fab Community, the Italian Network for Micro and Nano Fabrication, for the developments of state-of-art projects in nanotechnologies.